MBSR Teacher Training (End of 2024, in English)

Overview of MBSR Teacher Training

Starting in the fall of 2024 or early 2025, we will conduct training that can be attended in English, combining online and in-person classes, open to participants from across Asia Pacific area.

Through the training to become a globally trusted MBSR teacher, we aim to increase the number of colleagues across Asia Pacific who share the common language of mindfulness, deepen our own practices, and strive to contribute to society in a new way through mindfulness.

Implementation Guidelines

Schedule & Place

  • Begin from the end of 2024 to the beginning of 2025
  • Almost 30 days in total (3-5 days per module)
    • 10 days out of 30 days are taught in person (5 days x 2 meetings) (at Thailand etc)
    • The rest of the program will be taught online
  • Approximately one and a half years duration

Language: English

Training Instisute:

  • the Insititute of Mindfulness Based Approaches
  • International Mindfulness Center Asia Pacific


Registration will be open at the end of 2023.

If you wish to receive information, please register below.

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